It's Hump Day
Good Morning OFF Family,
I love that Geico commercial with the camel declaring "It's Hump Day!"
Somehow, yesterday, I plumb forgot to mention it was my Baby Boy, Sean's 31st birthday. I believe that his birth is the only bright spot to a very dismal month in my life. In October 1977, my father died suddenly at age 51. A year later, in October, my husband's father committed suicide. A year after that, again in October, I wrecked my car while traveling between Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, with my two babies in my car, alone in New York state. In 1989, I started drinking heavily, again, in October. In 2006, my 40 year old brother died suddenly. Like I said, I normally begin a slump in October, other than around Sean's birthday. That's why I'm planting tulip bulbs in my garden this week. I have to be proactive.
Today, I'll finish the bulbs, weather permitting. Then, I'll work on my Bible study. Also, weather permitting, I'll take Utley for a walk. I was hoping to join the YMCA this month, but must wait till the shutdown is over, because a good chunk of my income is Social Security, and Lord knows if that will stop if the government doesn't start back up again. (I'm not going discuss my views on it here, but will privately, if you want to PM me.)
Tonight, I help out at Crosswalk, at church. It's a kids' program for ages three through sixth grade. I help sign the kids in each week. Izzy and Lincoln participate. What's nice is that so many of the adults helping out work, so the church secretary makes homemade pizza for us and, if needed, our kids for supper. When I watch the Munchkins on Wednesdays, I take them for pizza. It's only $2 per person. I bring homemade chocolate chip cookies for everyone occassionally, and I manage to not taste any of them.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

HI Trish and all to come,
You wont have to worry about the social security being paid. You will get psid. If u r in social security and or on a government pension u will get paid. The money is there. The furlough is only for government workers that are working now. I was worried too!
Carl and I are on a pension also!!!!!!
We are on our way home! It was so hard leaving Chicago this time! Im going to miss my baby!!!!!! Ill go back in December.
Trish I love Tulips! But they wont grow in Florida! October is a bad month for me too. It has been a year since my best friend died.I am going to Denver in January to her stone setting. Jewish people usually wait a year to set the stone. They are doing it in January. her Husband just ordered the stone.
We didnt get to far from Chicago yesterday cause we left kind of late. I couldnt pry myself from my baby!!!!!! We are in Lexington Kentucky. Ill get home sometime tonight.
Good morning Trish and Carla and all my OFF sistas!
"And the rain came tumbling down . . . " That's us today. Another gray rainy day, but nobody here minds at all. Both the aquafer (sp?) and the lakes are coming back up. Plus it is cooler here today. Highs in the low 60's. Methinks fall may have arrived!
Trish, I'm sorry October is such a rough month for you. I feel the same way about February. I guess we all have some sort of cycle that we go through annually. For Butch, it is November. Anyway, plant your tulips and hang on to the bright spot in your month!
Carla, I know how you feel having to leave your baby! I always felt the same way whenever I had to leave Benny a few years ago. But it will be wonderful for you to be home again. Hope you have good travels today.
I am fighting off the blue funk today. I should have been going to the airport to pick Butch up today. Instead we have another 2 weeks to go. I'm trying hard to combat it. Does no good to let myself get all depressed over what cannot be changed. I have to be stronger than temporary setbacks!
My baby Reesey is SMILING and COOING and just being so adorable. I fall in love with him every morning. I think he is going to be a real little personality.
Today Mom and I are staying close to home. I'm doing laundry and Roomba and checkbook and stuff like that. If the rain abates tomorrow, then we might do some more running around. Personally I would like to get back in bed and pull the covers over my head, but I'm not gonna give in to that!
Jennifer, I didn't get a chance to post directly to you yesterday, but I am praying for you and sending good thoughts, vibes, energy, and whatever else you need today. I am glad your doctors are moving forward with your treatment. Be strong and positive. I don't know what to think about a double mastectomy. My SIL had that done, even though she only had the cancer in one breast. She said it was her decision and her doctor agreed. Don't know what I might opt to do in the same situation, but we support you no matter what! If you want the double mastectomy, will you have to come to the States to have it done? Is it only in Canada that they won't remove a "healthy" breast?
Cindi, good luck with your packing and getting ready for the transition move.
Judy, Connie, Debbie, Eileen, and everyone else, I love you all!
Had a night to think things over, and today called surgeon's assistant to request that MRI he offered on both breasts, although he said it shows up a lot false positives he would have to act on as a result and maybe take good bits with the bad...
An MRI will help me decide on lumpectomy or mastectomy, as I seem to waffle between one and the other....and if the MRI shows something on left breast as well, so be it.
Tentave surgery date is Nov 4 tbc as they now have to sched me for an MRI ASAP.
Today is a better day than shocker of a day yesterday.
Hugs to all of you.
Hi Jennifer,
I didn't get the opportunity to reply to you personally until now. I have a dear friend who just had a mastectomy a couple of weeks ago. She had a lump, and would have needed radiation treatments if she opted for a lumpectomy. Problem is, she lives too far from the hospital that's treating her to make the daily drive there. So, she chose the mastectomy.
I have no idea what I would do if I had breast cancer. A good friend needed a mastectomy, and had reconstructive surgery. The docs have been doing regular PET scans, and about a year after her surgery, they found cancer in her chest wall. Her faith in God is so strong, she never fears or complains. What breaks her heart is that her youngest daughter was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma a few years ago, and about six months ago they found cancer in her lung. She's now stage 4. Crystal, her daughter, is in her late 20's. To make it worse, my friend lives in Florida, and her daughter lives in Manhattan, is single and lives alone. The good news is, she's getting her cancer care at Sloan Kettering, one of the best hospitals for cancer treatment.
I will keep you in my prayers, asking God to give you wisdom in your decision making, strength to endure what's ahead, and peace about all that is happening.
Albert Schweitzer

At our age our boobs are no longer attractive appendages, what bugs me is that I have to decide on total removal or lumpectomy before full knowledge of what kind of cancer and extent of type and seriousness of invasiveness is detected in the lab. In Europe ( wont mention country) all that is decided from initial biopsy, then you are told ok for lumpectomy, or definitely have to go to mastectomy and maybe both breasts to be safe.
Our universal health system which provides good health care, makes me choose beforehand, which makes me think they want you to opt for mastectomy( more painful and longer rehab and recovery) so as to be done with you in the system. If you choose lumpectomy and after full lab analysis you are told you need a mastectomy, you have to go for another surgery all over again as your lumpectomy was wasted surgery. Not efficient I think. I' m asked to gamble on less intrusive surgery and possibly more problems later, including recurrence of cancer in remainder of breast or both breasts. It would have been easier if surgeon had recommended one option over the other, he scrupulously didn't, so yesterday I opted for lumpectomy as less down time and pain. Yet, as I filled out surgery forms, he stuck his head back into my interview cubicle although dealing with next patient, to say" you can still change your decisionto mastectomy". Which had me wonder if that is what he really wants me to go for ( so I will be done with cancer in that breast).......
Am confused, want the MRI with all the false positives he will then have to deal with and maybe double mastectomys result, which means easier to dress as one hump if a breast on the left side if right is removed makes it difficult to dress and look goid....flat chest so much easier for butto ed blouse despite great mastectomy bras which here cost up from $ 300 for really good ones...of course private insurance pays for some, but still!
Anyway OFFsisters, feel like getting plastered and fall into bed and snore loudly. Mañiana is another day, but I dont have too many left before decision crunch.
Bye, jennifer
Good afternoon Trish and everyone.....
Trish....So sorry October is such a hard month for you. Prayers always!! I also love tulip. They will be lovely in the spring. Happy Birthday to your son Sean!! It sounds like you have a busy day....busy week. God Bless. is hard to leave those matter what age they are!! Wishing you safe travels home!!
Vickie... Sorry you are in a funk. I know how much you wanted to get ***** picked up today. Will he be retired now after the next two weeks. I am praying that happens! Your little Benny is a sweetie....little Reese is just are blessed!! So glad your mom is there. That will keep you busy. I hope you both head out and do something today.
Jennifer...I have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the MRI goes well. My friend had cancer in one breast a had a double mastectomy. She says she is so glad she did. Now she doesn't have to worry about breast cancer anymore. I back you up on whatever decision you make!!
I checked in yesterday but did have energy to post. I am also in a Blue Funk. I am missing my grandchildren in Iowa so much. It always pains me when pictures are posted with them and my DIL's family. Everyone so happy and smiling. Comments on how great their/my grandchildren are etc.. I am kicked to the curb like a rabid dog. Living like I am is hard enough!! Being not wanted by those that you love and gave everything to is beyond heartbreaking. I am picking up Kyleigh, my oldest granddaughter today. She will spend a few days with me. With her here I will have a reason to cook. I have only been eating one meal a day and that is hard to get down. I drink protein drinks to be sure I get in enough protein.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers always for those in need...worried especially right now about Nan and Annette....and all those dealing with cancer and such.
Love and many hugs to all...connie d